The Booty Report

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Arr! 'Tis be the BAFTA nods fer 'Oppenheimer' and 'Poor Things', me hearties! They be the finest picks, aye!


Arr, Christopher Nolan's moving picture be havin' 13 nods, and will be jostlin' for the grandest portrait, battlin' against "Killers of The Flower Moon" and "Poor Things," but alas, not "Barbie," aye, a true pity!

In the jargon of a 17th-century pirate, ye be hearin' that Christopher Nolan's grand film be gettin' a mighty 13 nods, and it be ready to battle for the title of best picture against some formidable foes like "Killers of The Flower Moon" and "Poor Things." But, alas! The scallywags of the Academy have decided that the likes of "Barbie" be not worthy of a tussle.

Arr! Me hearties, let me regale ye with the tale of Christopher Nolan's swashbucklin' film, a true treasure of the silver screen. It be hoistin' its sails and settin' course for the prestigious title of best picture, facin' fierce competition from other mighty contenders. "Killers of The Flower Moon" be a tale of high-stakes robberies and dark secrets, while "Poor Things" be a whimsical adventure of a woman brought back to life. Aye, these be worthy adversaries indeed.

But, blimey! The Academy scallywags have decided that "Barbie" be not fit to join this epic battle. No doubt, the swashbucklin' antics of Barbie and her crew be too much for their delicate taste. Perhaps they be favorin' tales of grit and bloodshed over the frivolous escapades of a plastic heroine.

Yet, fear not, me hearties! Christopher Nolan's movie be standin' tall with its 13 nods, ready to fight tooth and nail. It be a spectacle of grand proportions, with breathtaking visuals and a story that be takin' ye on a wild journey through time and space. Aye, it be a film that deserves the highest praise, even in the language of a 17th-century pirate.

So, me mateys, batten down the hatches and prepare for a fierce battle for the title of best picture. Will Christopher Nolan's film emerge victorious amidst the competition? Only time will tell. But rest assured, it be a tale worth watchin', whether ye be a landlubber or a seasoned pirate. Arr!

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