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Arr! Russia be sayin' nay to the US offer o' chattin' 'bout them nuclear weapons. 'Tis a dead end, mateys!


Arr! The likes of Russian Minister Lavrov be rejectin' the U.S.'s proposition to engage in parley 'bout nuclear arms control, claimin' it be impossible whilst the U.S. be backin' Ukraine! Blimey!

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has dismissed a US proposal to resume talks on nuclear arms control, stating that it is impossible while the US offers military support to Ukraine. Lavrov accused the West of fueling global security risks by encouraging Ukraine to increase attacks on Russian territory. He argued that for talks to be held, the US needs to revise its hostile policy towards Russia. White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan had previously expressed the Biden administration's readiness to discuss nuclear arms control with Russia without conditions. Lavrov criticized the US offer as insincere, stating that it amounted to saying, "we have declared you an enemy, but we’re ready to talk about how we could look at your strategic nuclear arsenal again." The New START treaty, the last remaining nuclear arms control pact between Russia and the US, is set to expire in 2026. The lack of dialogue on anchoring a successor deal has concerned arms control advocates. Lavrov emphasized that any discussions on arms control must be based on the West fully renouncing its course of undermining Russia's security and interests. He accused the West of blocking talks on ending the conflict in Ukraine and inciting further attacks on Russia. Lavrov also warned against encouraging Ukraine to strike targets in Russia, accusing Britain of inciting such attacks. He reaffirmed Russia's commitment to its "special military operation" in Ukraine and its determination to achieve its goals. Lavrov also discussed Russia-China ties, the need for an independent Palestinian state, and criticized the US-led attacks on Yemen. Overall, Lavrov's statements reflect Russia's strong opposition to the US proposal and its firm stance on its actions in Ukraine.

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