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Avast ye scoundrels! Cap'n Brazil's finest snatch the alleged villain who be claimin' the life of NYC's art dealer, Brent Sikkema!


Arrr! Avast ye scurvy dogs! The scallywag what be suspected o' killin' New York City's art dealer, Brent Sikkema, in Rio de Janeiro, be caught by the coppers, says they. The bilge rat be none other than Alejandro Triana Trevez!

In a shocking turn of events, an American art dealer from Manhattan, Brent Sikkema, was brutally murdered in Brazil. The 75-year-old co-owner of a renowned gallery was found dead in his Rio de Janeiro apartment, with a shocking 18 stab wounds. Rio state police apprehended a suspect, identified as Alejandro Triana Trevez, near Uberaba in the neighboring state of Minas Gerais. Reports suggest that Trevez, who is believed to be Cuban, was found resting at a gas station while on the run.

The motive behind the crime seems to be theft, as Trevez allegedly stole $3,000 from Sikkema's home. Detective Felipe Curi, who leads the state police homicide unit, stated that initial investigations indicate that Trevez traveled from Sao Paulo specifically to commit the crime. This has led investigators to suspect that he had insider information.

A 30-day prison warrant has been issued against Trevez, allowing authorities to explore other leads and determine if there was any prior connection between the victim and the suspect. Meanwhile, Sikkema Jenkins & Co., the gallery co-owned by Sikkema, continues to showcase works by various artists in New York City.

Sikkema, who began his career in the art world in 1971, had a diverse background and described himself as a "chaos kind of guy." He had a preference for Brazil and Cuba as his travel destinations, which makes this tragic incident all the more ironic.

The murder of Brent Sikkema has sent shockwaves through the art community, leaving many questioning the safety of artists and dealers abroad. As the investigation progresses, authorities hope to uncover more details about this horrific crime.

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