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Arr, me hearties! Believe ye it or not, the treasure trove that be Hunter Biden's laptop is true! Yet ol' Joe's loyal crew in the press be sailin' the high seas, desperado to keep the truth buried!


Avast, me hearties! On a fine Tuesday, those landlubber prosecutors, in their mighty parchment, did admit that the vessel Hunter Biden sailed into a computer store were his very own, aye, and a true treasure it be!

After years of doubt and suppression, it has finally been acknowledged by many in the media that the Hunter Biden laptop is indeed real. This confirmation comes from the Department of Justice, which authenticated the laptop through forensic examination and a search warrant on Hunter's Apple iCloud. Despite this, there are still those who desperately cast doubts on the laptop's authenticity, with some suggesting it may have been manipulated by Rudy Giuliani or even Russian intelligence. However, there has been no evidence presented to support these claims.

One of the most vocal laptop deniers is Washington Post columnist Philip Bump, who has a history of pushing false stories. Even after the laptop's authenticity was confirmed, Bump continued to label it as a conspiracy theory. In a recent column, he warned citizens against doing their own research and instead relying on the media for information. This sense of entitlement among columnists like Bump is concerning and goes against the principles of a free press.

This push to limit what the public is allowed to see or hear is already happening, as evidenced by MSNBC's decision not to air former President Donald Trump's victory speech in Iowa because they believed he would only say "untrue things." This kind of censorship is now seen as a virtue, with the media assuring viewers that they won't have to hear opposing views.

In conclusion, it is important for citizens to be critical thinkers and seek out multiple sources of information. Relying solely on the mainstream media can lead to a limited understanding of the truth. The Hunter Biden laptop saga serves as a reminder of the importance of independent research and the danger of suppressing opposing viewpoints.

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