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Avast ye! The Comoros be in turmoil, as the cap'n claims victory in a scandalous re-election.


Avast ye scurvy dogs! There be more rumblin' and chaos brewin' in the land o' Comoros! President Azali Assoumani be fightin' fer his throne, with them riotous rascals raisin' hell in the Indian Ocean. Arrr, what a fine mess this be!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, there be trouble brewin' in the Indian Ocean! The island nation o' Comoros be in the midst o' unrest, with protests breakin' out fer the second day in a row. A scurvy dog be dead, and at least six others be injured, me mateys, according to a health official. This all be happenin' because the incumbent President Azali Assoumani be declared the winner in an election, but the opposition parties be cryin' foul, claimin' it be fraudulent. The announcement o' Assoumani's victory set off the powder keg, with protests startin' on Wednesday. They be settin' a government minister's house on fire, burnin' a car at another minister's home, and vandalizin' a national food depot. They be barricadin' roads and clashin' with riot police. The government be orderin' a curfew to try and calm the storm, but it be to no avail. One young lad be dead, and another be in serious condition. The U.N. human rights chief be callin' for peace and askin' the authorities to let the people protest peacefully. But the opposition be sayin' the election be rigged and demandin' the results be tossed out. Comoros be a place o' much turmoil, me hearties, with a long history o' coups since they broke free from the French in 1975. Assoumani himself be no stranger to power, takin' the reins in a coup in 1999 and changin' the constitution in 2018 to allow him to stay in power longer. He be accused o' crackin' down on dissent and banishin' protests. The government be blamin' the opposition fer incitin' the unrest, but the opposition be sayin' the people be fed up with the government's antics. So, me hearties, it be a turbulent time in the Indian Ocean, with the waves o' unrest crashin' against the shores o' Comoros. Only time will tell if peace can be restored, or if the storm be brewin' stronger.

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