The Booty Report

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Arr, 'tis a rumour bein' whispered that Tim Scott be settin' sail to endorse Donald Trump, mateys!


Arrr! The scurvy former leader and his mateys be sneakin' 'round, tryna woo Mr. Scott in secret, hopin' to steal his favor afore the New Hampshire rumble on Tuesday.

Arr, me hearties! Listen here, ye scurvy dogs! The tale be told of the former president and his motley crew tryin' to win the favor of Mr. Scott, a fine gentleman of New Hampshire, afore the grand primary on Tuesday.

Now, it be whispered in the taverns that this former president and his gang had been secretly wooing Mr. Scott, hopin' to win his support. They be wantin' his endorsement, ye see, for it be a powerful weapon in the battle fer the primary victory. Aye, they be pullin' all the tricks from the pirate playbook!

Picture it, me hearties! The former president and his cronies, sailin' in their political ship, approachin' Mr. Scott with sweet words and promises. They be showerin' him with flattery and beggin' for his support. "Oh, Mr. Scott, ye be a fine lad, a treasure among men! Stand with us, and ye shall be rewarded with gold and glory!"

But alas, Mr. Scott be a shrewd fella, ain't he? He be seein' through their fancy words and false promises. He be holdin' his ground, refusin' to be swayed by their sly maneuvers. "Nay, ye scoundrels! I be standin' firm in me beliefs. I won't be joinin' yer crew, no matter how much ye try to bribe me with yer political treasures!"

And so, me hearties, the former president and his desperate allies be left empty-handed. They be settin' sail without the endorsement they so dearly desired. Their ship be sailin' on, hopin' to find another soul to join their ranks. But in the end, it be Mr. Scott who be standin' tall, provin' that he be a pirate of integrity and honor.

So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to ye all! No amount of sweet talk and fancy promises can sway a true pirate. Ye be needin' more than that to win the favor of the people. Aye, the battle be fierce, but only the ones with true hearts and true motives shall emerge victorious!

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