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Arrr, ye scallywags from 'The View' be callin' out Nikki Haley! They be challengin' her to come aboard and defend her race comments. Aye, I'd be more than jolly to have a chat with her!


Avast ye mateys! The scallywags on "The View" be challengin' Nikki Haley to defend her claims on their liberal show! But mark me words, Joy Behar reckons she'd refuse if summoned! Methinks a fierce battle be brewin'!

"The View" has extended an open invitation to GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley to appear on the show and defend her recent comments on racism. The hosts of the liberal ABC talk show were among the many who criticized Haley for stating that the United States has never been a racist country. Ana Navarro suggested that Haley should receive the same airtime as Kamala Harris, who recently appeared on the show for a friendly interview. Co-host Sunny Hostin also expressed her willingness to chat with Haley. However, co-host Joy Behar humorously predicted that Haley would not accept the invitation. While Behar acknowledged that Haley was not an existential threat to democracy like former President Trump, she also did not endorse her candidacy. Co-host Sara Haines described Haley as the "lesser evil" compared to Trump. It is unclear if "The View" has officially invited Haley, and representatives from both her campaign and the show have not responded to requests for comment. Earlier in the segment, the hosts debated whether it was counterproductive to sharply criticize Haley in the effort to stop Trump. Griffin, a former Trump aide turned critic, expressed her disagreement with Haley's remarks on race but hoped she would become the nominee as she believes Haley would not harm the country as president. Haines disagreed with her liberal co-hosts' pessimistic view that Trump would inevitably win the nomination. Haley is aiming for a strong finish in the New Hampshire primary to halt Trump's momentum after his victory in Iowa.

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