The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! No wall, no pact, Hunter Biden's magic box, and more from Fox News' Witty Quill!


Avast ye mateys! Get yer peepers on the freshest news from Fox News Opinion, and feast yer eyes on the moving pictures of Sean Hannity, Raymond Arroyo, and their scallywag crew. Set sail and be entertained, ye landlubbers!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Fox News host Hannity discusses global crises and the latest breaking news here at home. Arrr, matey, ye can continue watchin' the video at the link provided.
Avast! Hugh Hewitt be sayin' there be no Border Wall, there be no deal on Israel and Ukraine. If ye be wantin' to learn more, ye can continue readin' at the link provided.
Arrr, me hearties! Today be the day we march with every woman, for every child. Ye can continue readin' about it at the link provided.
Blimey! The Feds be askin' US banks to spy on Republicans usin' search terms like 'Trump' and 'MAGA'. If ye be wantin' to know more, ye can continue watchin' the video at the link provided.
Arrr, ye scurvy dogs! Hunter Biden's laptop be real, but Joe's guardians in the press be workin' hard to hide the truth. Ye can continue readin' about it at the link provided.
Avast, me mateys! Hunter Biden be gettin' dusted in federal court. Ye can continue watchin' the video at the link provided.
Arrr, me hearties! The New Hampshire primary be sendin' Biden a message he don't be wantin' to hear. Ye can continue readin' about it at the link provided.
Shiver me timbers! Don't be ignorin' the health benefits of bein' warm. Ye can continue readin' about it at the link provided.
Arrr, me hearties! There be 5 reasons Democrats be in the lead in the 2024 elections. Ye can continue readin' about it at the link provided.
Avast, ye scallywags! Check out all of our political cartoons at the link provided.

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