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Arrr! The mighty European Union be showerin' Poland's new government with praises fer restorin' th' rule o' law, matey!


Avast ye! The EU's Justice Commissioner, Didier Reynders, be mighty pleased with Poland's new pro-EU crew as they be workin' hard to bring back the rule of law. Arrr, a jolly good job indeed!

European Union Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, has praised the efforts of Poland's new pro-EU government to restore the rule of law. He believes that these efforts may lead to the release of billions of euros in EU funds that were previously frozen under the previous government. Reynders met with several Polish officials to discuss the steps being taken by the new government to reverse the controversial judicial policies of the previous administration, which had been criticized as undemocratic by the EU.

Reynders expressed his satisfaction with the determination of Prime Minister Donald Tusk and his Cabinet in restoring the rule of law in accordance with Poland's Constitution and the requirements of the EU and the European Convention on Human Rights. He also confirmed that the European Commission is supporting the government's efforts.

The Commissioner expressed hope that these steps would soon lead to the approval of Poland's request for the release of approximately $7.6 billion from the post-pandemic recovery funds allocated to the country. This money had been frozen due to rule-of-law disputes with the previous right-wing government.

One of the key actions taken by the new government is the imprisonment of two members of the previous government who were convicted of abuse of power and document forging. Additionally, they are making personnel changes in vital judicial bodies and courts where the principles of the rule of law were called into question.

Although the opposition, which lost power in the October elections, has criticized these steps, Justice Minister Adam Bodnar defended them as well thought-out and necessary. Overall, the positive response from Commissioner Reynders suggests that Poland's new government is making progress in addressing the EU's concerns regarding the rule of law.

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