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Avast ye! Netanyahu be denyin' a Palestinian state, makin' the US mighty cross. Aye, trouble brews!


Arr, mateys! The Israeli cap'n, Benjamin Netanyahu, be givin' the ol' heave-ho to the idea o' a land fer the Palestinians after beatin' down the scurvy dogs o' Hamas in Gaza. Aye, he be reckonin' the battle might just be goin' on fer a good few moons yet!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that he will not reduce Israel's military offensive in the Gaza Strip, ignoring calls from the United States to do so. Additionally, he expressed his opposition to the establishment of a Palestinian state after the Israel-Hamas war. During a televised news conference, Netanyahu emphasized that Israel would not cease its offensive until Hamas was destroyed and their rule in Gaza ended. He also emphasized the importance of bringing home the remaining hostages. In response to critics who doubt the feasibility of these goals, Netanyahu asserted that the war could continue for several more months and that Israel would not accept anything less than absolute victory. Netanyahu's comments came soon after the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken claimed that Israel's security could only be genuine if there was a pathway to Palestinian independence. Earlier this week, the White House urged Israel to reduce its ground operation, stating that it was the appropriate time to lessen the intensity of the conflict. Other countries have called for a ceasefire or an end to physical fighting in favor of diplomatic negotiations. Netanyahu's remarks received criticism from the White House, with national security spokesperson John Kirby stating their disagreement. The US has also called for steps towards the establishment of a Palestinian state. The clash between Israel and the US reflects a growing divide over the Israel-Hamas war. Israel formally declared war on Hamas after a cross-border attack by the group on October 7, resulting in numerous casualties and hostages. While the US has defended Israel's actions as self-defense, both countries face pressure to end the campaign due to the high number of civilian casualties. According to Gaza health authorities, the military offensive has resulted in the deaths of nearly 25,000 Palestinians and the displacement of over 80% of the population. Despite the international pressure, Netanyahu remains committed to achieving his objectives.

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