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Arr, Biden be pressin' the great Netanyahu to sail towards buildin' a land fer the Palestinians!


Arr matey! The cap'ns finally parlayed after weeks. Aye, the Israeli boss refused the Yankee's push for a two-state fix, but they still be chattin' like old shipmates.

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs, for I have a tale to tell ye. The great leaders of the land, the likes of which be known as Benjamin Netanyahu and Joe Biden, finally had a chat. Aye, 'twas a monumental occasion indeed, for it had been weeks since they last exchanged words.
Now, ye see, this conversation took place after ol' Benjamin, the Israeli leader, had given the good ol' American lads a taste of his defiance. The land of the stars and stripes had been trying to bend his will, trying to push him towards a two-state solution. But ahoy, Benjamin wasn't havin' any of it! He turned 'em away, he did, like a true pirate captain facing a storm.
But fear not, me hearties, for this tale be not one of anger and hostility. Nay, 'twas a rather humorous encounter between these two mighty leaders. They spoke, they did, and who knows what secrets they shared? Perhaps they exchanged tales of grand adventures, or maybe they even swapped some hearty pirate jokes!
But let's not forget, me mateys, that this be the language of the 17th century. So ye can imagine the banter that filled the air. 'Twas surely a spectacle to witness, with Benjamin's sharp wit and Joe's quick tongue. They were like two pirates in a tavern, engaging in a battle of words, each tryin' to outsmart the other.
So, me hearties, let us raise a mug of rum to these two leaders, for they have proven that even in times of disagreement, a bit of humor and a friendly chat can go a long way. And who knows, maybe they'll sail the seas together one day, united in their quest for diplomacy. Until then, let us enjoy this tale of the 17th century pirates, for it be a lighthearted reminder that even in the world of politics, a touch of humor be worth its weight in gold doubloons.

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