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Arrr, Biden's scurvy media guardians be tryin' their utmost to keep the Democrat primaries hidin' in the shadows, matey!


Arrr, me hearties! Joe Biden and his scurvy Democrats, aided by their media mateys, be tryin' to quash all challengers to the captain's seat! Blast me barnacles! What in Poseidon's name be happenin' here?

Joe Biden's presidency is being compared to that of Jimmy Carter, with low approval ratings and even American hostages in Israel. The Democrats and their media allies have suppressed any primary opponents for Biden, leading to a lack of major opposition. Polls show that Biden's approval rating is historically low, with only 33% approval and 58% disapproval. The handling of the economy is also widely disapproved, with only 31% approval. If Donald Trump had similar approval ratings, the media would be asking how he could possibly win and suggesting he should drop out of the race. However, Biden is not facing such scrutiny. The media outlets supporting Biden do not want to give opponents any airtime, and individual states are blocking Biden opponents from getting on the ballot. This has caused primaries to be cancelled in some states. Candidates like Rep. Dean Phillips have complained that they have not been given interviews on major news networks like MSNBC, while Republicans and other Democratic representatives have been given more coverage. The media, who claim to be the guardians of democracy, are actually preventing a fair primary race from taking place.

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