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Arr, them experts be tellin' tales o' how them Americans be helpin' Ukraine craft unbelievable AI weaponry, matey!


Arr, me hearties! The land of Ukraine be havin' a newfangled contraption named Delta. 'Tis a marvelous system that be mixin' all sorts o' information from various places, includin' submissions by good ol' Ukrainian souls. Aye, they be gatherin' knowledge from near and far to paint a clearer picture, mateys!

Ukraine's artificial intelligence (AI) development is progressing rapidly, surpassing even that of the US and China. As the war with Russia enters its third year, experts have highlighted the crucial role played by the US in supporting Ukraine's advancement. Benjamin Jensen, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, emphasized the difference in approaches between the two countries. Ukraine is building its AI capabilities from scratch, making it small, scalable, and effective. On the other hand, the US is investing billions of dollars in a top-down approach that has resulted in high-profile failures.

The US only discovered Ukraine's astonishing progress with AI several months into the war. Brett Velicovich, a Fox News contributor embedded in Ukraine, described the groundbreaking achievements made by Ukrainian technicians in utilizing AI technologies. These include facial recognition for identifying war criminals, drone guidance and target selection systems, satellite analysis for gathering evidence of war crimes, and identification of Russian disinformation and propaganda.

Professor Jensen highlighted the role of US foreign aid programs in supporting Ukraine's AI advancements. The United States Agency for International Development programs provided funds for the Ukrainian digital identity system, which has simplified and enhanced various processes, from aid delivery to civilian notifications of incoming attacks and locating missing persons.

James Hess, a professor at the American Public University System, acknowledged the significant contribution of US data in helping Ukraine achieve these developments. The overwhelming amount of data in the battlefield environment necessitates the use of AI to effectively process it. Hess noted that the focus now is on how to seamlessly communicate the data collected and processed by AI to troops for real-time use in targeting and coordination.

Although AI is advancing, Hess reassured that humans are still in the loop and that the process of AI becoming more capable will result in humans gradually stepping back. The ultimate goal is to enable direct communication from sensors to shooters, but challenges such as information verification remain.

Overall, Ukraine's AI development, supported by the US, has demonstrated remarkable achievements and potential in enhancing military capabilities and streamlining processes in the midst of a war with Russia.

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