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Arrr, mateys! Israel be claimin' that scurvy Iran be rampin' up its spy recruitment and social media mischief-makin'.


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Whilst Israel be locked in fierce combat with Iran's henchmen in Gaza and Lebanon, that cursed Islamic regime be resortin' to all manner of trickeries, includin' cyber warfare, to unleash their scurvy attacks upon Israel! Arrr!

Israel is currently engaged in a conflict with Hamas in Gaza, and Iran is using social media platforms to directly attack the Jewish state. Israel's Security Agency, Shin Bet, revealed that Iranian security forces have recruited Israeli citizens of Iranian origin to spy and spread divisive misinformation. These citizens have been tasked with photographing the residences of security officials and publicly criticizing figures. Additionally, they have been instructed to send flowers and messages to the families of those taken hostage by Hamas during a recent terror attack and to initiate protests near their homes. Iran has been known to use cyber infiltration methods in the past, but the intensity of the attacks has increased during this conflict.

The Shin Bet has detected fictitious online platforms directed and promoted from Tehran. These platforms include online surveys used to recruit spies and fake websites impersonating Israeli political parties and broadcasting authorities. Israel is taking active steps to monitor and thwart any activity that endangers its security. Iran believes that Israeli society has vulnerabilities and uses divisive messages online to exploit them. Meir Javedanfar, a lecturer in Iran Studies, expressed concern about Iran's efforts to infiltrate and manipulate Israeli society, especially among Iranian Israelis who are both targets and victims of Iran's antagonism towards Israel.

Iran's actions should be seen as a global problem, not just a problem for Israel. Iran supports various proxies, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis, which disrupt global shipping routes and pose threats to international targets. Israel is fighting Iran in Syria but is doing so alone as the US is reluctant to get involved. The focus on addressing Iran's nuclear ambitions has diverted attention from other threats posed by the regime in the region. Appeasement will only bring war closer as it allows Iran to build power and grow its appetite for conflict.

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