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Arrr! Landlubbers from the US be sufferin' wounds in the most recent assault on a scallywag hideout in Iraq.


Avast ye mateys! On a fine Saturday, over 15 U.S. Patriot missiles be fired to thwart a dastardly assault on an Iraqi base. A few American scallywags and an Iraqi seafarer be injured, but we be victorious in defending the outpost!

In a recent incident at the Al-Asad Airbase in Iraq, U.S. personnel and an Iraqi security force member were injured during an attack. Reports indicate that the base was targeted with tactical missiles, and although more than 15 U.S. Patriot missiles were launched to intercept them, some missiles managed to get through. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, a coalition of Iran-backed militants, has claimed responsibility for the attack.
The missiles were launched from within Iraq, according to a defense official, and two U.S. personnel suffered concussions described as "traumatic brain force injuries." There has been no immediate response from the State Department or the White House regarding the incident.
Since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war in October, the U.S. military has faced numerous attacks in both Iraq and Syria, with at least 58 in Iraq and 83 in Syria. These attacks have primarily involved rockets and one-way attack drones, and they are believed to be a response by Iran-backed militants to the United States' support of Israel against Hamas.
The U.S. currently has troops in Syria and Iraq, with the mission of advising and assisting local forces in preventing the resurgence of the Islamic State. This attack follows the recent shooting down of three armed drones near where international forces are stationed. Reuters contributed to this report.

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