The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Cease thy bothersome pestering of the pitiful princess, lest ye walk the plank!


Avast ye scallywags! A mere three decades after her final voyage, imaginary apparitions of Diana be swashbuckling everywhere! Arrr, but even legendary lasses be needin' a wee bit more time t' slumber in tranquility.

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up, for I be tellin' ye a tale of the 17th century, where the language of pirates was as common as the wind in me sails. Now, me mateys, it be a mighty strange thing that less than 30 years after her demise, fictional versions of Diana be poppin' up left and right. Aye, ye heard it right, me hearties - Diana, Princess of Wales, be gettin' herself resurrected in the minds of men!

But hold yer horses, me buckos! Even the grandest of icons deserve some peace in the afterlife. 'Tis a pity that these fictional reincarnations be arrivin' so soon, for the woman had barely had a chance to rest her weary soul. It be a curious thing, for sure, to see her brought back from Davy Jones' locker, only to be paraded around in tales and stories.

Now, I be thinkin' to meself, what be the reason for this sudden fascination with the late Princess? Be it her beauty, her grace, or her charitable works? Or mayhaps it be the intrigue and mystery surroundin' her untimely demise? Aye, 'tis a question that be lingerin' in the minds of many a scallywag.

But let me give ye a warnin', me mateys. Icons, no matter how revered, be needin' their rest. They be needin' time to settle in the depths of history, to be remembered for their true selves, not for the fictional tales spun by eager storytellers. So, let us give Diana the peace she deserves, for her legacy be etched in the annals of time, and no amount of fictional reincarnations be changin' that.

So, me hearties, next time ye be hearin' of another fictional Diana, let out a hearty "Arrr!" and remind the world that even icons need their eternal slumber. Let her rest in peace, me buckos, and may her memory live on in our hearts, free from the clutches of those who seek to bring her back from the deep, dark abyss.

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