Yarrr! A scallywag of a school choice bucko be condemnin' the NEA-backed crew fer callin' voucher programs racistic. Arr!
Arr, Corey DeAngelis, a self-proclaimed 'choice embracin' swashbuckler, spake to Fox News on ye Sunday, claimin' families be growin' 'tired o' havin' their school choice freedoms plundered by scallywags seekin' to extinguish such ventures.
An educational network backed by one of the nation's largest teachers' unions is facing criticism for labeling voucher programs as racist. The network's campaign, aimed at challenging the rhetoric that school choice programs advance equity, argues that voucher programs disadvantage students of color and deepen existing inequities. The campaign claims that school choice takes funding away from high-quality public education, particularly in underfunded Black and Brown communities, forcing them to cut corners and increase class sizes. The network website also argues that voucher programs were originally intended for white families to escape desegregation efforts and increase racial isolation. However, school choice advocate Corey DeAngelis disagrees, stating that school choice is beneficial for students and families of all backgrounds. He points to studies that show positive effects of school choice competition and argues that it raises the quality of public schools by creating competition. DeAngelis believes that parents should have the power to choose a school that aligns with their values and that they do not want their children to be brainwashed in institutions for 13 years. The Partnership for the Future of Learning's initiative has received backlash, with critics arguing that it is an attempt by teachers' unions to maintain control over education. Fox & Friends Weekend reached out to the Partnership for the Future of Learning and the National Education Association, but did not receive a response. Overall, the debate over school choice and voucher programs continues to be a contentious issue in education policy.