The Booty Report

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"Ye scurvy dogs be raidin' Israel's Parliament, fuming with rage o'er them Gaza hostages, aye!"


Avast ye scurvy lawmakers! Hear ye, advocates and kinfolk of hostages cryin' out, implorin' thee to plunder more for the freedom of their hearties. "Shame upon ye!" be the thunderous words that echo through the halls!

Arr, me hearties! 'Twas an uproar in the land of lawmakers, as advocates and kinfolk of hostages be demanding their release with great fervor. They be putting pressure on these scallywags to do more, ye see, and their words be like cannonballs fired from a mighty pirate ship.
One of those brave souls, with a voice as loud as a ship's bell, shouted, "Shame on you, ye landlubbers!" Methinks he be wantin' to make 'em feel the sting of their inaction. Aye, the anger be flowin' like grog at a pirate's tavern!
These desperate souls be fightin' for their loved ones, held captive by vile scoundrels. They be wantin' their kin to be free from the clutches of these seafarin' villains, and they be wantin' it done swift as a pirate's sword unsheathin'.
But alas, the lawmakers be havin' their own agendas and be movin' like a snail on a sandy beach. The advocates and relatives be tryin' to shake 'em from their slumber, like a crew wakin' a lazy sailor with a bucket o' cold saltwater.
'Tis a sight to behold, me hearties! The passion and determination be radiatin' from these brave souls. They be willin' to sail through treacherous waters, if only to rescue their beloved hostages from the clutches of these rotten pirates.
So, me fellow pirates, let us raise a tankard of rum to these advocates and kinfolk. May their voices be heard like the thunderous roar of cannons across the seven seas. And may their loved ones soon be freed from the clutches of these dastardly scallywags!

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