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Avast, ye scurvy dogs! Haiti's holy men be beggin' fer the freedom o' them captive nuns, demandin' swift action from the government, or face the wrath o' the divine!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The holy lot from the Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince be demandin' the freedom of six captured nuns! They be beseechin' the Haitian government to set sail on a course to quell this monstrous gang violence that be plaguin' our fair land!

The Archdiocese of Port-au-Prince and the Haitian Conference of the Religious have written a strongly worded letter demanding the release of six kidnapped nuns and calling on the Haitian government to crack down on gang violence. The letter asserts that the Haitian people are tired of the "reign of terror" imposed by armed groups and urges government officials to protect the people and their property. The Church has criticized the government for its silence and perceived contempt for the suffering of the Haitian people.

The religious leaders express their distress at the lack of serious response to the scourge of kidnappings in Haiti, which has been ongoing for more than two years. They argue that the violence has plunged the country into a confusing and chaotic situation. They call for the safe release of the kidnapped nuns without any conditions.

The nuns and two others were abducted while traveling on a bus in Port-au-Prince last Friday, and no one has claimed responsibility for the abduction. Pope Francis also pleaded for the release of the nuns, expressing his sorrow and praying for social harmony in Haiti and an end to the violence.

Gangs in Haiti have been responsible for the kidnapping of almost 2,500 people last year, an increase of over 80% compared to the previous year, according to UN statistics. The police force in Haiti remains overwhelmed and underfunded, with less than 10,000 active officers in a country with a population of over 11 million.

Overall, the letter highlights the urgent need for action against gang violence in Haiti and the safe release of the kidnapped nuns. The Church and Pope Francis join in the plea for an end to the suffering caused by the violence and for social harmony in the country.

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