The Booty Report

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Arrr, the jury be settin' sail to decide if the wench be guilty o' raisin' a scallywag school shooter!


Arr, mateys! The old wench who birthed Ethan Crumbley, the scurvy dog who sent four souls to Davy Jones' locker in 2021, be facin' trial on Tuesday! In a rare twist, the lawmen have accused both his landlubber parents o' involuntary manslaughter. Aye, the plot thickens!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and hear the tale of the mother of young Ethan Crumbley, who be facin' trial on a fateful Tuesday! 'Tis a rare sight, me mateys, for both his parents to be charged with involuntary manslaughter, ye see!

Aye, 'twas a dark day in the year 2021 when young Ethan, like a scurvy dog, took the lives of four students. But alas, the blame be not just his to bear, for the authorities be pointin' their cannons at his mum as well!

'Tis somethin' peculiar, me hearties, for a mother to stand afore the court, accused of such a crime! Yet the law be twisty as a sea serpent, me mateys, and they be holdin' her accountable!

Now, me jolly buccaneers, ye might wonder how this be happenin'. Be it a case of neglect or a failure to see young Ethan's true colors? Aye, the prosecution be claimin' that his mum and pop should've been watchin' his every move like a hawk, and their inaction be leadin' to tragedy!

'Tis a serious matter, me hearties, but I can't help but see the humor in this twist. Imagine, a pirate like me ownin' a tidy ship, and me crew be runnin' amok, causin' chaos and destruction. Would ye hold me solely accountable, or be ye blamin' the whole lot, includin' me quartermaster?

But fear not, me mateys, for justice be a thorny path to navigate. The court be weighin' the evidence, and only then shall they decide the fate of Ethan's mum. 'Tis a tale that shall be remembered for years to come, as the day a pirate's beloved be facin' the wrath of the law!

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