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Arr, them Russian parliament lubbers be ponderin' a bill to plunder the loot of them who dare speak ill o' Putin's Ukraine invasion!


Arr, them Russian scallywags be thinkin' 'bout a bill to snatch away the treasures o' those who dare speak ill o' Cap'n Putin's pillagin' of Ukraine. Aye, mateys, 'tis a pirate's way to silence the dissentin' voices, arr!

In a hilarious 17th-century pirate-like language, me hearties, it be reported that them Russian lawmakers be considerin' a bill that would grant the state the power to seize property from them landlubbers who dare to criticize Cap'n Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Arrr, ye heard right, mateys! Criticizin' the invasion, which started near two years ago, be already a crime, but this here new bill aims to make the penalties even harsher.

This draft bill, me hearties, be discussed by them scallywags in Russia's parliament just yesterday. If it be passed, it would give the state the power to take the property of them Russians who have left the country and have criticized the war, but still be makin' money from rentin' out their houses or apartments back in Russia. Avast, that be a clever move indeed!

The speaker of the State Duma lower house of parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin, a close comrade of Cap'n Putin, has even dubbed this new bill "the scoundrel law." He be sayin', "Everyone who tries to destroy Russia, betrays it, must be punished accordingly and repay the damage to the country in the form of their property." Blimey, that be some strong words there, matey!

This move, me hearties, be compared to them hunts of the 1930s under the rule of that scurvy dog, Josef Stalin. It be raisin' memories of them days when anyone who be seen as an enemy of the state would be punished. This here bill could affect thousands of Russians who have spoken out against Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. So, me hearties, the situation be lookin' mighty grim for them who be brave enough to criticize Cap'n Putin's actions. Aye, the seas be treacherous indeed!

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