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Arr, mateys! Sailin' in with a jest, 'tis the tale of Kamala Harris and the dreadfully amateur hour in the White House!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Me hearties be tellin' tales o' a lass named Kamala Harris who sought the throne in 2020, but alas, her voyage be short-lived! The voters, they be cold as ice towards this here vice president, and rightly so, for she be a mere landlubber in the political waters! Arrr!

After three years of chaos, reboots, and word salads, Americans in 2024 are faced with the possibility of Vice President Kamala Harris becoming the next president. Despite never running a successful presidential campaign of her own, Harris was chosen by President Joe Biden as his running mate. She ended her campaign before the caucuses even began in Iowa during the 2020 Democratic primary. Biden's advisors convinced him that Harris was the right choice, despite her previous attacks on him during the primary. Biden had initially considered Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer as his running mate, but the need for a black vice president due to the racial issues that arose after the death of George Floyd led him to choose Harris.

However, the Biden family was not happy with this choice since Harris had attacked him personally during the primaries. They had considered other options such as Susan Rice and Rep. Karen Bass, but ultimately settled on Harris. Once in office, Harris was pushed into the background and kept away from politically difficult issues. Her approval ratings plummeted as voters watched her struggle with communication and witnessed the high turnover rate in her office. The relationship between the Biden and Harris families is also strained, with little interaction between them.

Despite making history as the first black and female vice president, Harris has faced criticism and scrutiny from both sides of the political spectrum. It is important for voters to fully investigate and vet public figures before casting their ballots in the 2024 election.

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