The Booty Report

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Arr, the scurvy dogs from the US be blastin' those Al-Shabaab landlubbers in southern Somalia, aye! Three less scallywags, arr!


Arr me hearties! The U.S. Africa Command be claimin' they set their sights on the scurvy Al-Shabaab varmints, sendin' a mighty airstrike their way. 'Twas a jolly good shot indeed, for three of those sorry souls met Davy Jones in the southern shores of Somalia, har har!

U.S. forces launched an airstrike on a terror group in southern Somalia, killing three terrorists. The U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) stated that the strike was in response to a request from the Somali government and was carried out in a remote area northeast of Kismayo. AFRICOM reported that no civilians were harmed in the strike and emphasized that the action was taken to prevent the terror group, Al-Shabaab, from planning and conducting attacks on civilians. The region between Somalia and Yemen has been tense in recent months due to Israel's conflict with Hamas. In a separate incident, two U.S. Navy SEALs died in the Arabian Sea off the coast of Somalia. The SEALs were attempting to board an unflagged ship carrying Iranian-made weapons to Yemen when one of them slipped and fell into the water. The other SEAL immediately jumped in to help but both went missing under the cover of night. The search and rescue mission was called off after 11 days and became a recovery effort. The Navy has identified the SEALs as Navy Special Warfare Operator 2nd Class Nathan Gage Ingram and Navy Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Christopher J. Chambers. The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet is currently investigating the incident.

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