The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! When poor souls be escapin' war, the U.S. immigration scuffle be havin' dire repercussions on their lives, arr!


Arrr, mateys! The Biden ship be lettin' over a million landlubbers into the United States, but them scallywag Republicans be tryin' to put a cap on it! Avast, the seas be rough and the politics be even rougher!

Arr matey! Ye won't believe what those landlubberly Republicans be up to! The Biden administration, savvy as they be, opened up the floodgates and allowed a grand total of over a million people into the good ol' United States, but only fer a wee bit o' time, mind ye. But those scallywag Republicans, they be wantin' to put a limit on this fine program!

Ahoy, me hearties! Now, ye may be wonderin' why the Biden administration be lettin' these folks in temporarily. Well, let me tell ye, it be all about showin' some compassion. They be grantin' refuge to those who be facin' hardships in their own lands, givin' 'em a chance to seek a better life in the land of opportunity. But them Republicans, bless their black hearts, they be wantin' to put a stop to it!

Arr, the debate be ragin', with them scurvy dogs in Congress arguin' that too many people be comin' in, takin' jobs away from the good ol' Americans. They be sayin' that there be limited resources and limited space, and we be needin' to put a cap on this temporary stay.

But let me tell ye, me mateys, the Biden administration be seein' the bigger picture. They be understandin' that these folks be bringin' diversity and new perspectives to the table. And ain't that what this great nation be all about? Explorin' new horizons and embracin' new cultures?

So, me hearties, as the battle rages on, let's hope that the Biden administration can hold their ground and let these temporary residents stay a while longer. After all, there be plenty of room on this ship called the United States, and it be a mighty fine place to call home. Yo ho ho!

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