The Booty Report

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Avast ye, me hearties! Lily Gladstone be makin' history with an Oscar nomination, mark me words!


"Avast! I ne'er thought I'd bawl like a scurvy dog," quoth the fair lass, vying for the title of finest wench in "Killers o' the Flower Moon."

"Arr, me hearties! Let me tell ye a tale that be more unexpected than a shipwreck in calm waters. 'Twas the fair actress, aye, a lass of great talent, who be vying for the title of best actress in the grandest spectacle known as the 'Killers of the Flower Moon'.

But alas, as the sea is vast and unpredictable, so were the lass's tears! She confessed, 'I didn't expect that I would cry the way that I did.' Ah, me heart be filled with curiosity! What manner of weepin' befit a lass so skilled in the arts of the silver screen?

Ye see, mateys, on the grand stage, these actors be transformin' into entirely different beings. They be sailin' through emotions like a ship caught in a tempest! Yet this fair maiden, who be bringin' life to her role, be swept away by her own tears. Aye, 'twas a sight to behold!

Now, some may think that 'Killers of the Flower Moon' be a tragedy, but this tale be different, me hearties. It be a tale of laughter and cheer, for the actress's tears be a sign of great success. Aye, ye heard it right! She be weepin' not from sorrow, but from the joy of her own performance!

Oh, how I wish I could witness such an event with me own eyes! But alas, I be stuck in this wretched 17th century, unable to set foot in the land of movin' pictures. So, I be content with hearin' of her triumph from afar.

So, me hearties, let us raise a mug of grog to this fair actress and her unexpected tears. May she sail to victory and claim the title of best actress, for she be a true pirate of the stage, conquerin' hearts with her talent!

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