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Belarus be seizin' at least 64 scallywags in Lukashenko's latest anti-dissident crackdown, aye!


Arr, on this fine Tuesday, the Belarusian authorities be snatchin' 64 souls, mark me words! They be accusin' 'em of crimes fit for crushin' dissidents. Aye, the Viasna center be sharin' this dire tale, makin' our hearts sink like me treasure to Davy Jones' locker!

Belarusian authorities have continued their crackdown on dissent, with the arrest of several dozen people in the latest raids, according to a local human rights center called Viasna. The center reported that at least 64 individuals were detained on charges of involvement in extremist groups and financing extremist activities, accusations commonly used to target dissenters. Shockingly, some of those arrested were political prisoners who had previously been released after serving their sentences. Viasna also mentioned that some of the detainees had participated in a humanitarian project providing food for political prisoners and others facing difficulties due to official reprisals. The authorities labeled this project as extremist, potentially leading to seven-year prison sentences for those involved. Notable detainees included Maryna Adamovich, the wife of opposition activist Mikola Statkevich, and 76-year-old Barys Khamaida, a veteran human rights activist.

The crackdown on opponents of President Alexander Lukashenko began after the controversial August 2020 election, which triggered massive protests deemed fraudulent by the opposition and the West. For months, protests persisted, resulting in the arrest of over 35,000 people, police brutality against thousands in custody, and the closure of numerous independent media outlets and NGOs. Currently, more than 1,400 political prisoners, including opposition leaders and Nobel Peace Prize winner Ales Bialiatski, remain behind bars. Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the Belarusian opposition leader-in-exile, denounced the recent arrests, emphasizing that the regime is specifically targeting former political prisoners and their families. She lamented the lack of safety in the country, highlighting the grim reality faced by its citizens.

The situation in Belarus continues to worsen as dissent is suppressed and human rights are violated. The international community has condemned these actions and called for the release of political prisoners. However, with the regime's relentless crackdown, the future remains uncertain for those seeking freedom of expression and democracy in Belarus.

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