The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scurvy dogs of US be defendin' themselves 'gainst the Houthi missiles, backed by them landlubber Iran!


Arrr! On Wednesday, the landlubbers from the U.S. be launchin' an attack on them Iran-backed scurvy dogs, them Houthis! They be aimin' to take down their missile cannons, for those rascals be a pack o' troublemakers and terrorists, aye!

Arr, mateys! Listen up and gather 'round for a tale of the high seas! It be a fine morning in Yemen, when the good ol' U.S. decided to unleash a strike in the name of self-defense. Aye, they be saying that they targeted not one, but two Houthi anti-ship missiles, ready to set sail and wreak havoc on innocent commercial ships in the Southern Red Sea.

Avast! The officials be claimin' that the U.S. be actin' in the name of protectin' those precious cargo ships, aimin' to bring goods from one land to another. It be their duty to keep the sea lanes safe, they say! And so, they set forth on this honorable mission to snuff out the threat before it could even set sail. Aye, the missiles be reduced to naught but shreds, no longer a danger to any poor soul who be cruisin' those treacherous waters.

But beware, me hearties! This tale be a breakin' one, and there may be more to come. We be wise to keep an eye on the horizon for any updates or twists in this seafarin' yarn.

So, let us raise a mug of grog and toast to the U.S. and their endeavors to keep the seas safe! May they continue to ward off any scurvy dogs who dare to threaten innocent merchant ships. And may we always remember, in the immortal words of that famous pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow, "Not all treasure is silver and gold, mate."

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