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Hillary Clinton be sayin', "Ye be 'More Than Kenough,' me heartie! No need fer no snubs on 'Barbie'!"


Arrr, the scallywag what aimed fer presidency be now joinin' the bellow o' discontent. He be shoutin' from the crow's nest 'bout the absence o' Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie from the finest director an' actress Oscar ranks. Ahoy, what a rum business!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, for I be bringin' ye news from the high seas of Hollywood! 'Tis a tale of great disappointment, as a former presidential candidate, whose name I dare not speak, has joined the chorus of scallywags expressin' their dismay at the omission of two fine lasses from the prestigious Oscar categories.

Now, me mateys, ye may be wonderin' who these two fine ladies be. One goes by the name of Greta Gerwig, a talented director who be known for her work on "Lady Bird," a flick that be ticklin' the fancy of many a moviegoer. The other be Margot Robbie, a beauty who be stealin' hearts with her mesmerizin' performances, most notably in "I, Tonya."

But alas, me hearties, neither of these fine ladies be findin' themselves in the runnin' for the best director or best actress Oscar categories. 'Tis a crime, I tell ye! Many be raisin' their voices in protest, and now this former presidential candidate be addin' his voice to the mix.

Now, I be thinkin' to meself, why be these two fine ladies overlooked? Be it because they be women? Arr, that be a travesty if ever I seen one! We be in the year of our Lord 20 and 18, and still, women be facin' such discrimination in the world of cinema.

But fear not, me hearties, for this be not the end of the tale. We be seein' many a strong woman takin' the stage and claimin' what be rightfully theirs. These fine ladies be inspirin' us all, showin' us that we can achieve greatness, even in the face of such adversity.

So, let us raise our mugs o' grog and toast to these fierce ladies, Greta Gerwig and Margot Robbie! May they continue to sail the seas of success, and may the winds of change blow in their favor, bringin' them the recognition they so rightly deserve!

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