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Arrr! The highest court be grantin' permission for the sea-farin' folk to keep pourin' over the borders like a mighty stream!


Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! The Supreme Court, in all its might, be sayin' that those fancy federal agents can slice through razor wire that be guardin' the Texas-Mexico border, whilst they be ponderin' over some lawsuit or another. Avast!

The Supreme Court has ruled that federal agents can cut razor wire along the Texas-Mexico border while a lawsuit over the wire continues. This decision was made despite the support from the Border Patrol Union and its agents, who believe the razor wire is effective in keeping migrants, criminals, and fentanyl out of the state. The court likely based its ruling on the belief that the Constitution grants power to the federal government over individual states when it comes to border control.
The court, however, failed to address why the federal government is not enforcing immigration laws that migrants are breaking to enter the country. The article poses a hypothetical scenario where if drug dealers invaded Texas and the governor took action to stop them, but the Biden administration did nothing, would the court be okay with that? The effect would be the same as if an army was crossing the border.
The article questions how many more crimes and deaths need to occur before the administration starts enforcing laws. It criticizes the Biden administration for not letting frontline personnel do their jobs to secure the border and highlights President Biden's recent admission that the border is not secure.
The article also mentions the statement from a White House spokesperson, which calls Texas' actions a political stunt. However, the article argues that the razor wire is an effective deterrent and that Texas has the constitutional authority to secure the border.
Local police and the Department of Public Safety officers have been arresting migrants on trespassing charges, but they will likely be released into the country by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The article also references the impact on cities, such as overcrowding and sanitation issues.
The article concludes by mentioning a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll, which shows that immigration is a top policy concern for voters, even more so than inflation. It warns Democrats that they are on the wrong side of this issue.

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