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Arrr! Argentina's cap'n be facin' a mutinous general strike from scurvy foes who aim to scuttle his scrimpin' plans!


Arrr! The landlubber public sector unions, scallywag social groups, and political actors be joinin' forces with the Peronist party in Argentina, ready to set sail to the streets in a mighty protest against President Javier Milei's reforms! Avast ye, mateys!

Argentina's president, Javier Milei, faced a one-day general strike organized by the biggest union, CGT, along with other unions. The strike was a response to Milei's decree targeting unions and his proposals for economic and labor law changes. Strikers took to the streets in Buenos Aires and other cities, joined by social groups and political opponents. Milei, an economist and self-declared "anarcho-capitalist," was known for his televised screeds against the political caste before his presidential run. He pledged to drastically reduce state spending to address the government budget deficit and inflation rate of 211%. However, a court ruling has put the labor changes on hold. Despite the strike, it remains uncertain whether it will hinder Milei's agenda. Behind the scenes, the main impetus for the strike was the president's drive to weaken union power. Union leaders fear a drop in bargaining capacity and influence in politics. This general strike is the first in over four years and was organized quickly in Milei's term. Milei won the runoff election with 56% of the votes and still retains support from over half of respondents in recent polls. His administration warned protesters against blocking roads and threatened arrest. The strike disrupted various sectors, including flights and public transportation. While the strike may not pose an existential threat to Milei's presidency, it raises questions about the future and public support for his proposed austerity measures.

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