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Haley, aye, be standing strong amidst a mighty tide o' Carolina scalawags pledgin' loyalty to Trump!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The former Governor o' South Carolina, Nikki Haley, be struttin' about with a chest full o' confidence as a horde o' top scallywags in her home state be shoutin' their support fer the former President Trump. Arrr, what a jolly time it be!

Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor, kicked off her campaign in her home state with an optimistic outlook. However, it seems that Haley has few supporters among the top ranks of the South Carolina GOP and the Republican Party. Both senators from her state have endorsed Trump, and RNC head Ronna McDaniel practically declared Trump the victor of the 2024 primary. Rep. Nancy Mace congratulated Haley on her campaign but also endorsed Trump, stating that South Carolina is Trump country and it's time to take on Joe Biden.
Joining Mace in endorsing Trump are fellow GOP representatives from South Carolina, Russell Fry, Joe Wilson, William Timmons, and Jeff Duncan. South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster has also endorsed Trump. Despite the lack of support, Haley remains determined and vowed to keep pushing forward during a campaign appearance.
Trump, however, has been visibly angered by Haley's optimism. He attacked her on social media, calling her "delusional," and continued his criticism at a campaign event. Haley lost in New Hampshire but saw it as a step in the right direction. Trump mocked her reaction to her performance in New Hampshire and questioned her authenticity.
Overall, it appears that Haley is facing an uphill battle in her campaign, with the majority of South Carolina's Republican leaders firmly supporting Trump. Despite the challenges, Haley remains determined and refuses to give up.

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