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Arr, ye whippersnappers! Listen up, me Gen Z mates! I'll teach ye the tricks to landin' a job and keepin' it, savvy?


Arrr, me hearties of Gen Z! Ye be realizin' that 'adultin' be a treacherous journey indeed. These landlubbers thought a 9-5 would be a jolly breeze, but alas! Many a scurvy employer be steerin' clear of this lot!

Work is becoming a dreaded word for members of Gen Z as they face a bad reputation in the job market. A recent survey revealed that 38% of employers prefer hiring older employees over recent college graduates, and 58% believe that these graduates are unprepared for the workforce. This is causing significant challenges for Gen Z, as nearly 40% of employers are actively avoiding hiring their demographic. The rise of TikTok is being blamed for this situation, as it promotes behaviors such as quitting without notice and seeking "lazy girl jobs" that require minimal effort. Even the U.S. Army is facing a "TikTok mutiny" due to dissatisfaction among Gen Z recruits. Complaints about the traditional 9-5 work schedule and unrealistic expectations for work-life balance are common among Gen Z workers. However, these perceptions are shaping the reality and reputation of the generation. Celebrities like Jodie Foster and Joy Behar have publicly criticized Gen Z for their perceived laziness and poor grammar skills. Despite this criticism, it is important to remember that every generation has faced its own challenges and stereotypes. Gen Z should be given some leniency, considering they have been raised in a different era and are dealing with the aftermath of a global pandemic. Employers will need to adapt to accommodate Gen Z, but the younger generation will also need to understand the expectations and demands of the workforce.

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