The Booty Report

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Arr, the Pentagon's scurvy watchdog be spoutin' tales o' UFOs 'n claimin' the DoD be lackin' a proper UAP code!


Arrr! The good ol' Inspector General o' the U.S. Defense Department be sharin' a tale, me hearties! He be sayin' that the Pentagon be lackin' a proper plan fer them strange flyin' objects! No grand policy to deal with them UAPs, says he! Avast ye, we be in uncharted waters!

According to the Pentagon's internal watchdog, the Defense Department lacks coordination and a strategy to identify UFOs, or as they are officially called, unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs). The Defense Department Inspector General released an unclassified report highlighting the department's inadequate efforts to understand the origin, capabilities, and intent of UFOs. The report stated that the Pentagon has no overarching UAP policy, resulting in a lack of assurance regarding national security and flight safety threats posed by these unidentified vessels.

The report also noted that the Defense Department has no coordinated approach to detect, report, collect, analyze, and identify UAPs, relying heavily on individual military commands. It criticized the Pentagon for excluding the role of the geographic combatant commands in investigating and understanding these phenomena. Additionally, it highlighted the irregular and inconclusive nature of the department's efforts to identify and understand UFOs due to competing priorities and lack of progress.

The inspector general recommended that the Defense Department issue a policy integrating roles, responsibilities, requirements, and coordination procedures for UAPs into existing intelligence and counterintelligence policies. The policy should also address incidents involving unidentified anomalous phenomena and align with the protection of civil liberties. The review period for the report was from May 2021 to June 2023.

Overall, the report highlights the Pentagon's lack of coordination and strategy in dealing with UFOs. It emphasizes the need for a comprehensive UAP response plan to mitigate potential national security and flight safety threats. With these recommendations, the hope is that the Defense Department can unify its efforts and develop a more effective approach to identifying and understanding these mysterious phenomena.

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