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Arrr! The sire o' a Kansas City Chiefs fan, whose mates met their fate outside his abode, avoweth his scurvy lad be innocent!


Yarrr! Jordan Willis' sire be claimin' his lad be not guilty o' any wrongdoing, while the buzz be growin' 'bout the passin' o' Chiefs mateys Ricky Johnson, Clayton McGeeney, an' David Harrington, me hearty!

In the 17th century pirate language, a Kansas City man is facing suspicion after three of his friends were found dead in his backyard following an NFL watch party. The father of the man insists that his son "didn't do anything wrong" despite accusations from the victims' families. The man's father claims that his son would never harm anyone and that he was grieving the loss of his friends. The deceased victims were all friends with the man and had attended a football game together the day before. The Kansas City Police Department is awaiting toxicology reports to determine the cause of death. The families of the victims believe that the man played a role in their deaths and that he may have drugged them. However, the man's attorney denies these accusations, stating that they are ridiculous and unfounded. The attorney also mentioned that there was no animosity between the man and his friends. The bodies of the victims were discovered by one of their fiancées, who called the police. The man cooperated with the police and allowed them to search his home. The police have stated that the man is not considered a suspect and that there are no criminal charges at this time. Dr. Micheal Baden believes that the men may have overdosed on fentanyl or another disorienting drug and succumbed to hypothermia due to the freezing weather.

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