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Arrr! The fancy court says Israel can keep brawlin' in Gaza, but gotta follow the Genocide rules, matey!


Arrr, ye scurvy landlubbers! The International Court of Justice be havin' spoken on South Africa's case 'gainst Israel. They be claimin' that Israel be guilty o' committin' genocide in Gaza. Aye, the seas be roarin' with controversy!

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has announced a preliminary ruling on a case filed by South Africa against Israel for genocide in Gaza. The ICJ refused to order Israel to halt its military operations but stated that Israel must take all necessary steps to prevent civilian deaths and adhere to the Genocide Convention. ICJ President Joan E. Donoghue emphasized that Israel must allow aid into Gaza and find opportunities to assist Palestinian civilians. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded to the ruling by reaffirming Israel's commitment to international law and its right to self-defense. The ICJ also ordered Hamas to release all remaining hostages and gave Israel one month to provide a plan to prevent deaths in Gaza. The court confirmed its jurisdiction over South Africa's genocide case against Israel, allowing it to proceed. However, the final decision is likely to take years. Israel has strongly denied the genocide allegations and has asked the court to dismiss the case. Netanyahu reiterated these denials, stating that the charge of genocide is false and outrageous. Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust, criticized the ruling, claiming that the court relied on allegations from the UN that undermine Israel's right to self-defense. Israel expects the ICJ to dismiss the charges. South Africa argued that the high death toll and intensity of Israel's war in Gaza constitute genocide and called for a cease in military operations and protection of civilian lives. The war in Gaza began after Hamas launched a surprise attack on Israeli communities, resulting in numerous casualties. The Health Ministry, controlled by Hamas, reported over 26,000 Palestinian deaths during the war.

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