The Booty Report

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Avast ye hearties! A Canuck matey be denyin' sellin' fatal brews, says his buccaneer of a lawyer!


Arr, ye scurvy dog Kenneth Law, a Canadian scallywag, did peddle the treacherous brew known as sodium nitrite to them poor souls ponderin' the sweet embrace of Davy Jones' Locker! Now he be facin' 14 counts o' first-degree murder, by Blackbeard's whiskers!

In a recent development, the lawyer representing a Canadian man accused of selling lethal substances on the internet to vulnerable individuals has stated that his client will be pleading not guilty to upgraded murder charges. The accused, Kenneth Law, was initially charged with 14 counts of second-degree murder in December, but these charges have now been upgraded to first-degree murder.
Law, who was arrested in Canada last year, is alleged to have used various websites to advertise and sell sodium nitrite, a potentially deadly substance. Canadian authorities claim that Law distributed these substances to people in over 40 countries, resulting in the deaths of at least 14 individuals. British, American, Italian, Australian, and New Zealand authorities have also launched investigations into the deaths of people linked to Law's websites.
The case was scheduled to return before a Newmarket court in Ontario this week; however, the lawyer confirmed that it will instead go directly to trial in Superior Court, with the next court appearance expected to be next Thursday. The reason for the upgradation of charges from second-degree to first-degree murder is currently unknown, as the Ministry of the Attorney General has not provided a response.
In Canada, it is illegal to promote suicide, although assisted suicide has been legal for individuals aged 18 and above since 2016 if they have a serious illness, disease, or disability. Any requests for assistance in dying must be made to a physician.

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