The Booty Report

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Yarr! Mateys be sayin' nay to Putin, choosin' a most unlikely scallywag to be their matey.


Arr, me hearties! Behold, yonder queues be stretchin' far 'cross Russia's land 'n beyond! All fer what, ye ask? 'Tis to set Boris B. Nadezhdin, a swashbucklin' antiwar matey, on the ballot come March, fer the grandest presidential election!

Arr mateys! Ye won't believe the shenanigans happenin' over in Russia! Long lines be stretchin' far 'n wide as the eye can see, all 'cause o' this fella named Boris B. Nadezhdin. Now, why be all these landlubbers queuin' up, ye may ask? Well, me hearties, this Boris be an antiwar candidate, tryin' to make his way onto the ballot for the grand presidential election happenin' in March.

It be a sight to behold, me mateys! People be waitin' their turn, hopin' to give ol' Boris a chance at the throne. But let me tell ye, it be no easy feat. The bureaucracy be thick as fog, makin' it harder than findin' buried treasure to get on that ballot. But these brave souls be undeterred!

Ye see, Boris be a man with a message. He be sayin' "No wars, me hearties!" and folks be likin' what they hear. They be tired of all the fightin' and plunderin' that be goin' on. They be wantin' a leader who be havin' a different approach, one that be peaceful and calm like a still sea on a summer's day.

So, they be takin' to the streets, rallyin' and standin' in line for hours on end, just to show their support for Boris. Some say it be a spectacle, others say it be a joke, but one thing be for certain, me hearties: it be democracy in action!

Now, whether Boris be makin' it onto that ballot or not be yet to be seen. The powers that be be tryin' their best to keep him out, but these folks be fightin' tooth and nail. They be showin' the world that even in the face of adversity, they be standin' up for what they believe in.

So, let's raise a glass to ol' Boris B. Nadezhdin and all the brave souls standin' in them long lines. May their voices be heard, and may they find the treasure they be searchin' for – a peaceful future for their beloved Russia!

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