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Avast ye scurvy dogs! On this day of remembrance, German mateys unite 'gainst the scurvy far right and fer democracy!


Avast ye mateys! A mighty horde be raisin' their voices in uproar 'gainst the scoundrels of the Alternative for Germany! 'Tis known that these landlubbers colluded with neo-Nazis and those yearnin' for a jolly mass expulsion. Aye, chaos be brewin'!

In the jolly language of a 17th-century pirate, let me spin you a yarn about a bunch of scallywags causing quite the ruckus in merry ol' Deutschland. Arr, it be a tale o' large crowds takin' to the streets, wavin' their banners and raisin' a mighty uproar!

Ye see, word got out that them scurvy dogs from the far-right Alternative for Germany party had been caught rubbin' elbows with none other than the dreaded neo-Nazis and those cryin' fer mass deportation. Aye, it be a right scandal it be!

The good people of Germany, bein' no strangers to standin' up against tyranny, weren't about to let this go unnoticed. They be marchin' through the streets, shoutin' and hollerin', proclaimin' their disapproval of such unsavory alliances.

Now, picture this, matey: a sea of angry faces, all united against these rum-swillin' landlubbers. They be clutchin' their signs, demandin' justice and equality for all. Aye, it be a sight to behold!

But ye know what be the best part of it all? The humor, me hearties! Oh, how those protesters be clever with their witty banter and jests. They be mockin' them far-right rascals with their sharp tongues and quick wit. It be a battle of words, and the people be winnin'!

So, as the sun sets on this tale, let it be known that the good folks of Germany be standin' up to the likes of them far-right scalawags. They be showin' their mettle, provin' that unity and love can triumph over hate and bigotry. May their voices be heard across the seven seas, and may this tale inspire others to fight for what be right.

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