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Arr, China be sendin' mighty warplanes 'n navy ships to Taiwan, aye, after them talks with the U.S.


Arrr! The scurvy dogs o' the Chinese military be sendin' 33 mighty aircrafts towards Taiwan betwixt Friday and Saturday, as per the fine lads o' the Taiwanese defense ministry. Thirteen o' them warplanes had the audacity to cross the median of the treacherous Taiwan Strait!

Taiwan's defense ministry has reported that more than 30 Chinese warplanes, along with navy ships, are heading towards Taiwan. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army sent 33 aircraft, including SU-30 fighters, and six navy vessels to the area. It was also noted that 13 of China's warplanes crossed the Taiwan Strait's median. Taiwanese officials are closely monitoring the situation. These developments occurred shortly after a meeting between Senior U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Bangkok. The meeting followed up on the Woodside Summit between President Biden and President Xi in November. The U.S. and Iraq are also expected to discuss future military presence in the coming weeks. The Chinese government had previously criticized the U.S. Navy for sailing a warship through the Taiwan Strait, accusing the U.S. of causing trouble and provocation. Taiwan's Ministry of National Defense reported earlier in January that 18 sorties of Chinese aircraft had been detected, with 11 of them crossing the median line of the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan emphasized the importance of the security and prosperity of the Taiwan Strait, stating that it is a matter of global concern. The defense ministry also expressed its commitment to strengthening self-defense capabilities to address regional threats.

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