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Avast ye landlubbers! The United Nations be swearin' on their mother's parrots, that this UNRWA be not consorting with that scurvy crew, Hamas!


Yarrr! A scallywag from UN Secretary-General António Guterres' ship be sayin' UNRWA don't be in cahoots with the likes o' Hamas! But there be whispers that some o' their crew be joinin' in on the shenanigans on Oct. 7. Shiver me timbers!

In a press briefing, a spokesman for the United Nations (UN) denied allegations that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) works with Hamas, despite claims that at least a dozen of its employees participated in a recent terror attack on Israel. The spokesman, Stéphane Dujarric, stated that UNRWA would commission an independent review of its work to address any concerns and violations of UN principles. He emphasized that UNRWA shares its list of staff with host countries and clarified that concerns have not been raised when the list is shared with the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli government. When asked if the list has been shared with Hamas, Dujarric responded that the counterpart for the occupied Palestinian territory is the Palestinian Authority. The exchange occurred amidst allegations by Israel, detailed in a document provided to the Biden administration, that 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the Hamas attack. Israel has long criticized UNRWA for allegedly collaborating with Hamas and perpetuating the situation of Palestinian refugees. UNRWA denies these allegations and has taken action against the employees accused of involvement in the attack. However, the US and other top donors have suspended their funding to UNRWA, jeopardizing aid to the 2 million Palestinians in Gaza who rely on its services. UN Secretary-General António Guterres has called on countries to resume funding to ensure that essential services are not scaled back.

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