The Booty Report

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Arr! The scoundrelly Militia, blamed for the strike on U.S. buccaneers, swears to cease their devilish deeds!


Arrr! Thar Pentagon be claimin' that them scurvy dogs, them Iran-linked militia in Iraq, be the likely culprits o' that deadly drone attack in Jordan! Yo ho ho, mischief aplenty!

In a comical twist of events, the Pentagon has declared that a group of scallywags, seemingly connected to Iran, may very well be responsible for a dastardly drone attack in the land of Jordan! Ahoy, mateys, it seems these sneaky militia members have taken to the skies with their unmanned contraptions, causing quite the rumble in the Middle East.

Arrr, the Pentagon, being the fine bunch of detectives they are, have put their noses to the grindstone and determined that this band of misfits, with their connections to Iran, be the most likely culprits behind this treacherous act. It appears that they be flying these drones with deadly intent, spreading fear and chaos wherever they go. Aye, they be casting a long shadow over the land of Jordan.

Now, ye may be thinkin', how does one go about identifying these rascals? Well, the Pentagon claims to have a keen eye for mischief, and they've been keeping a close watch on these Iran-linked scoundrels for quite some time. They have gathered evidence, clues, and scrutinized their every move like a nosy parrot perched on their shoulder. And, by Jove, they believe they've cracked the case!

But let us not forget the brave souls in Jordan who had to endure this unwanted visit from the sky. They must have been caught off guard, their hearts pounding like the sound of cannons in the distance. One can only imagine their surprise when these airborne troublemakers swooped down upon them with their drones of doom.

So, me hearties, it seems that the skies are no longer a safe haven from pirates of the modern age. Whether it be on land or in the air, mischief and danger lurk around every corner. Let us hope that these pirates of the sky will be brought to justice, and peace shall once again prevail over the troubled waters of the Middle East.

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