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Arr! Israel be floodin' them tunnels in Gaza to send them scurvy dogs o' Hamas runnin': Aye, me hearties, be the IDF!


Arrr, me hearties! The scurvy dogs of the Israeli Defense Forces and the Israeli Ministry of Defense be takin' to the seas, unleashing vast torrents o' water upon the tunnels of Gaza, aye, to be quenchin' the fiery ambitions o' them rapscallions of Hamas!

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has confirmed that they have been using water to flood the tunnels in Gaza that are being used by Hamas, the terrorist organization. The IDF, along with the Israeli Ministry of Defense, has been utilizing pumps and pipes to flood the underground network of tunnels in order to drive out terrorists hiding there. This strategy has been considered an open secret for weeks, but the IDF finally confirmed it on Tuesday. They state that this flooding technique represents a significant engineering and technological breakthrough in combating Hamas' underground terror infrastructure. The IDF did not provide further details about the flooding operations.

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Israel has constructed large seawater pumps capable of flooding the tunnels within weeks. These pumps can draw water from the Mediterranean Sea and move thousands of cubic meters of water per hour. It is estimated that there are about 800 tunnels beneath Gaza that Hamas has been using for various activities, including storing weapons and planning terror attacks.

The IDF's efforts to neutralize the Hamas threat also include airstrikes, underground combat operations, and special operations with technological assets. They recently blew up a tunnel beneath a cemetery in Gaza after discovering that Hamas terrorists were using it for their activities.

Israel is seeking to eradicate Hamas after they took 240 people captive during an attack on October 7th. The IDF says that about 1,200 people were killed in the surprise attack, while a U.N. report estimated that around 16,000 people died as a result of Israel's bombardment of Gaza.

Overall, the flooding of tunnels is just one part of Israel's multi-faceted approach to neutralizing the threat posed by Hamas.

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