The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Ye must be watchin' these 11 films afore they be settin' sail from Netflix's shores come February, mateys!


"Avast ye, mateys! Be ye ready to set sail on a cinematic adventure? "Dune" and "Snowpiercer," treasures of action, drama, and jests for young scallywags, be departin' soon from the shores of U.S. subscribers. Watch 'em afore they be gone, or ye be walkin' the plank!"

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, me hearties, there be some mighty fine treasures leavin' soon from the shores of Netflix. Arrr, mark me words, ye scallywags, for "Dune" and "Snowpiercer" be sailin' away from the U.S. shores for all ye subscribers. So batten down the hatches, gather yer crew, and be watchin' these flicks while ye still can!

Now, me mateys, gather 'round and let me tell ye about these fine pieces of entertainment fit for a pirate's night in. "Dune", a grand action epic set in a distant future, be takin' ye on a wild ride across desert planets and treacherous lands. Brace yerselves for a battle between noble houses, mystical powers, and giant sandworms! It be a tale ye won't want to miss, so grab yer grog and settle in for a swashbucklin' adventure.

But that be not all, me hearties! "Snowpiercer", a mesmerizin' drama set aboard a train hurtlin' through a frozen wasteland, be bidin' farewell too. This be a story of class struggle, rebellion, and survival. Picture yerself aboard this mighty train, me mateys, fightin' yer way through carriages and encounterin' all manner of characters. It be a visual spectacle that be certain to keep ye on the edge o' yer seat.

And lastly, ye scurvy dogs, don't forget to indulge in a bit o' humor with the teen comedies departin' soon. These be the tales that be bringin' ye laughs aplenty and remindin' ye of the trials and tribulations of youth. So gather yer mateys, set yer sails for a night of laughter, and enjoy these lighthearted tales while ye still have the chance.

So there ye have it, me hearties, a glimpse into the treasures that be sailin' away from Netflix. Be quick, be nimble, and set yer sights on these flicks before they be gone. After all, what be a pirate's life without a bit o' adventure, drama, and laughter? Now, off ye go, me shipmates, and may ye find joy in these cinematic treasures!

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