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Avast ye landlubbers! Beware o' Biden's open border, for it be jeopardizin' the safety o' Americans. The system be flashin' red, I tell ye!


I've laid me eyes on scallywags in the Middle East! Mark ye me words, matey, this be a treacherous hour fer America, with our Southern border wide open like a lass' corset strings. Arr!

A former high-level FBI executive, along with nine others, sent a letter to congressional leaders warning about the dangers posed by the open southern borders. They argue that the influx of military-aged men from hostile foreign countries presents an unprecedented risk to national security. The Biden administration's decision to open up the 1,951-mile-long border is seen as reckless and unnecessary.
At a time when terrorists are on the move and there is an imminent threat of catastrophic attacks on the homeland, the situation becomes even more concerning. The recent Hamas terrorist attacks on Israeli and American civilians, which aimed to activate terrorist organizations worldwide, demonstrate the real and present danger. Iran, the most active state sponsor of terrorism, plays a significant role in fueling the conflict.
The former FBI official, with firsthand experience in countering terrorism, emphasizes the importance of border security for national security. He mentions his experience in Iraq, where Iranian-sponsored terrorists were responsible for the deaths of nearly 1,000 Americans. Hezbollah and Hamas, Iranian surrogates, have spent years infiltrating the US, waiting for the order to activate and attack.
The author criticizes the Biden administration for diverting intelligence agencies' attention to right-wing domestic extremists instead of focusing on international terrorist groups like Al Qaeda and ISIS. Additionally, lone actors radicalized remotely pose an urgent threat.
The sheer number of unvetted illegal entrants from around the world provides cover for those from hostile countries seeking to undermine democracy and freedom. The author argues that the Department of Homeland Security has become ineffective in securing the border, potentially nullifying the security measures put in place after 9/11.
To address the imminent threat, the author calls for mobilizing all available resources and restoring border security by removing policies like catch and release. The focus should be on deterring illegal crossings and restoring the Border Patrol's mission to guard the borders and deny terrorists easy access to vulnerable Americans and institutions.
The author warns that failing to protect the homeland could lead to a fate similar to that of Israel. It is crucial to prioritize national security over political agendas.

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