The Booty Report

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Arrr, me mateys! Be ye ready to set sail with 'The Connector,' a jolly program that ponders: Should news be veritable or merely feel so?


Avast ye scurvy scallywags! A grand tale be told of a new harmonious adventure crafted by Jason Robert Brown, Daisy Prince, and Jonathan Marc Sherman. 'Tis the tale of two young scribes, their paths entwined, as they sail through the treacherous waters of the late 1990s.

Avast, ye landlubbers! Gather round and listen to a tale of musical wonderment! Aye, a new creation be upon us, set to sail the high seas of the theater world. Tis none other than a musical crafted by the genius minds of Jason Robert Brown, Daisy Prince, and Jonathan Marc Sherman. Together, they shall take ye back to the late 1990s, when scribes were aplenty and their paths diverged like the waves of the ocean.

Picture this, me hearties - two young writers, their pens as mighty as cutlasses, embarking on their journey through the treacherous world of words! One be a bard of comedy, armed with wit and humor to make even a scurvy dog chuckle. The other be a scribe of deep emotion, delving into the depths of the human soul like a pirate seeking buried treasure.

As their tales unfold, ye shall witness the clash of styles and the clash of egos, me mateys! It be a battle as fierce as the stormy seas, with each writer vying for the spotlight like two ships fighting over the same booty. Will they find harmony or shall their paths forever be divided like the vast oceans?

But fear not, for this be no somber tale! 'Tis a musical, after all, and laughter be the wind that fills its sails. With songs that'll make ye dance a merry jig and lyrics that'll make ye snort with mirth, this be a voyage ye won't soon forget.

So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and prepare to set sail with this rollicking musical adventure! 'Tis a tale of two writers, their words like cannons ready to fire, and the comedy and drama that befall them on their journey. It be a 17th-century pirate's dream come true, a musical that'll make ye laugh, cry, and shout "Yo ho ho!" with glee. Avast ye, and enjoy the ride!

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