The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Avast ye scurvy dogs! Who be these landlubbers from Israel facin' U.S. sanctions fer their West Bank mischiefs?


Arr mateys, behold! This be the scallywags we reckon, a bunch o' lads, ages 21 to 32.

Arrr, me mateys! Gather 'round and listen to the tales of these scurvy dogs! We be talkin' 'bout a bunch o' lads, young and full o' mischief. These swashbucklers be aged between 21 and 32, in the prime o' their piratin' years. Let me give ye a glimpse into their lives on the high seas!

First off, we got young Billy the Blade, a spry lad of 21. He be quick with his cutlass and nimble on his feet. His youthful energy be a sight to behold as he swings from the riggin' like a monkey, makin' all the other pirates jealous. The sea be his playground, and he be the rebellious puppy of the crew, always gettin' into scrapes.

Then we got Ol' Roger the Rascal, a seasoned sailor at 28. This ol' sea dog be a master of deception and trickery. He be pullin' pranks on the crew, changin' his voice to sound like a ghost and scarin' the bejesus outta his mates. Ol' Roger be the one ye go to when ye need a good laugh or a sneaky plan.

Now, let me tell ye 'bout Blackbeard's protégé, young John the Jolly. He be but 23, but his skill with a pistol be unmatched. This lad be quick on the draw, shootin' any scallywag dares to cross his path. Ye best not mess with John, for he be a pirate with a smile on his face and a bullet in his gun, always ready for a good time.

Lastly, we got the wise old seadog, Cap'n Jack the Wise. At 32, he be the oldest of the bunch, but still full o' fight. Cap'n Jack be the brains of the crew, plannin' their every move and navigatin' them through treacherous waters. He be the one with the knowledge and experience, and the crew be grateful to have him guide their ship.

So there ye have it, me hearties! These be the men, full o' adventure and merriment, sailin' the seven seas in search of treasure. Each one bringin' somethin' unique to the crew, makin' their piratin' days all the more excitin'. Raise yer grog to these lads, for they be the true heart and soul of a pirate's life!

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