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Arr, me hearties! A grand horde be unitin' in Slovakia, protestin' the scallywag government's plot to shut the prosecutor's lair.


Arrr, the scallywag Prime Minister Robert Fico be facin' a mighty storm as protests against his wretched plan to amend the nation's penal code be spreadin' to 31 cities and towns! Aye, the public be showin' their fury, growin' louder with each passing tide!

Mass street protests have erupted in Slovakia against a plan by Prime Minister Robert Fico to amend the country's penal code and eliminate the office of the special prosecutor that deals with major crime and corruption. Thousands of people have taken to the streets in 31 cities and towns across the country, with rallies also happening in other countries where Slovaks live. Fico's coalition government has approved a plan to abolish the special prosecutors' office and transfer those cases to regional offices that haven't handled such cases in two decades. The proposed changes also include reducing punishments for corruption and other crimes, as well as shortening the statute of limitations. Parliament is currently debating the draft, but the ruling coalition is pushing for fast-track approval with limited time for discussion. Critics believe that these changes will make Slovakia a haven for criminals. President Zuzana Čaputová has strongly criticized the proposed changes and is willing to challenge them in the Constitutional Court. Some EU institutions have also raised concerns about the Slovak proposals. Fico's return to power, despite corruption scandals involving members of his party, has raised fears that Slovakia may shift towards a pro-Russia and anti-American stance, similar to Hungary under Viktor Orbán. The protests aim to stop these changes and maintain Slovakia's pro-Western course.

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