The Booty Report

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Arrr! Them US scallywags be formin' a Congressional Burma Caucus to coax American intervention. Shiver me timbers!


Arr, me hearties! Republican scallywag Bill Huizenga o' Michigan and Democrat lass Betty McCollum o' Minnesota be takin' the helm o' the Congressional Burma Caucus, aimin' to keep a weather eye on the troubles brewin' in the Burmese civil conflict. Avast, ye landlubbers!

In a humorous 17th-century pirate language, we can summarize this news as follows:

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in the House of Representatives be settin' sail on a grand adventure to create the first bipartisan caucus on Burma! They be wantin' to pressure the U.S. governments to take action on the crisis in that faraway Southeast Asian land. Republican Bill Huizenga of Michigan and Democrat Betty McCollum of Minnesota be takin' charge of this Congressional Burma Caucus, aimin' to show their support for democracy and human rights in the country known as Myanmar.

Three years ago, on this very day, the military in Burma seized power, lockin' up their democratic leaders, includin' the famous Aung San Suu Kyi. This act spurred a brave uprising by the youth, turnin' it into an armed resistance movement. The situation be dire, me hearties, and the lawmakers be sayin' that it needs urgent attention.

The Congressional Burma Caucus be expectin' at least 30 members, and they be wantin' to keep the focus on Burma amidst all the hullabaloo over wars and rivalries with China. They be hopin' that by gettin' Congress involved, they can make a difference and aid the anti-coup forces in Burma. Last year, Congress passed a law allowin' non-lethal support for these forces and froze $1 billion in Burma assets.

To add to the excitement, Washington be announcein' new sanctions aimed at those bad eggs with connections to the military. They be targetin' the fuel used for aerial bombings and the production of arms. Arrr, it be a fight on the high seas, me hearties!

So, me fellow pirates, let's hope this Congressional Burma Caucus be bringin' some much-needed help and support to the troubled lands of Burma. Yo ho ho!

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