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Arr, Graham be grillin' the DOJ and DHS, askin' if those scurvy dogs who attacked NYC police will be sent back on a one-way voyage!


Arrr! Avast, me hearties! The honorable Sen. Lindsey Graham be seekin' answers from the DOJ and DHS 'bout their shenanigans with them scurvy dogs o' illegal migrants. These landlubbers be walkin' free, without payin' a single doubloon, after a brazen attack on our fearless New York City officers.

In a humorous tone, Senator Lindsey Graham is demanding answers from the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security regarding their actions on illegal migrants who attacked New York City police officers and were subsequently freed without bail. In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, Graham expressed his disappointment but lack of surprise at the consequences of President Biden's illegal immigration crisis. He asked whether the aliens responsible for the attack will be deported and if so, when, and if not, why not. The Justice Department and DHS have not yet responded to Fox News Digital's requests for comment on the letter. Mayorkas may face an impeachment vote in the House after the House Homeland Security Committee cleared a resolution for his impeachment. Over the weekend, two NYPD officers were attacked by at least seven illegal migrants near Times Square. The suspects were later released without bail following their arrest. Surveillance footage shows the officers attempting to subdue someone on the ground before a scuffle ensues. The suspects then kick the officers and run off before being arrested a short time later. They have been identified as Darwin Andres Gomez Izquiel, Kelvin Servat Arocha, Wilson Juarez, Jhoan Boada, and Yorman Reveron. Boada, upon leaving police custody, flipped off the news cameras outside the Midtown South Precinct. The investigation into the incident is ongoing. Senator Graham's letter seeks to hold the agencies accountable for their response to this "brazen attack."

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