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Avast ye scurvy dogs! Denying gold to UNRWA spells doom for Gaza, arrr!


Arrr, 12 scallywags from the U.N. agency be accused of joinin' the Oct. 7 assault 'gainst Israel, makin' some donor countries suspend their treasures! But a million souls in Gaza rely on that agency fer their daily plunder!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up, ye scurvy dogs! Aye, it be a tale of trouble and treachery on the high seas of international aid, arr! The United Nations agency, bless their souls, be in a pickle! A dozen of their own crew members be accused of takin' part in an attack against Israel on the seventh day of October, aye!

Now, ye see, this be no small matter, me mateys. Some of those fancy donor countries, they be hangin' up their purses and suspendin' their precious funding, arr! Aye, ye heard me right, they be cuttin' off the gold! But here be the rub, ye see. There be over a million souls in Gaza who be relyin' on the aid that this agency provides, arr!

Now ye may think, 'Why be these landlubbers dependin' on this agency? Can't they just fish for their own supper?' Nay, me hearties, nay! Gaza be a place where the seas be troubled, and the fish be scarce, arr! These poor souls be caught in a whirlwind of trouble and strife, and this agency be their only hope.

So what be the solution, ye may ask? Well, it be a question that weighs heavy on the hearts of many. Can the agency find a way to prove that the scurvy dogs among their crew be guilty or innocent? Can they bring back the trust of the doubting donor countries? And most importantly, can they ensure that the aid continues to flow to the desperate souls of Gaza, arr?

Only time will tell, me hearties. But for now, let us raise a tankard to the good men and women of the agency, who be fightin' to keep the ship afloat. May they find a way to navigate these treacherous waters and bring hope to those in need, arr!

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